
Come on, I know we all have UFOs, and I for one, have a lot of them. If you’re not sure, then ask yourself these questions. It’s okay, I can wait.

Is your UFO stack taller than you?

Have you lost track of how many? I have so many I can’t count that high.

Do you have UFOs hiding in closets, whispering your name?

Do you have a problem child or two? You know what I mean, those that just don’t want to play well with others.

Would you like to have some dedicated time to just finish these and mark them off your list once and for all?

Then, please join us for

End of Summer Challenge August 1 to 15, 2023

This is a virtual retreat, so no packing is involved, no money and no obligation.

Why so long? A week is just not long enough, at least for me, to get much sewing done. I am a slow seamstress, plus I get distracted by Squirrels very easily. You can drop in or out whenever you want. Just a little extra time to finish your projects.

We will have a messenger chat room available where you can visit, ask questions, and show off your work. We have a lot of quilters and if you have any questions, I’m sure there is someone who can answer your questions.

So what do you need to do? Everything will be done on messenger chat, nice and private, and easy to access. When we get to messenger, you can post a list of the problem children that you want to work on and list the stage that it is at, like blocks cut out, sashing, borders, etc.

And all you have to do is sew to your heart’s content, share your progress and enjoy yourself. Hope to see you there!

Oh, and don’t keep it a secret!

Contact me at thepinkquilter@gmail.com to sign up.

Flings galore and stash report

And I didn’t bring home anything extra with me.  Guild meeting was last night, I flung a bunch of string blocks, crazy blocks and a donation quilt last night.  And I didn’t buy any tickets for fabric or books.  Nor did I even glance once at the goodies on the free table!  WOOHOO!

Last week after visiting Vac and Sew and buying yet another kit, yes I’m addicted to kits, I decided then and there NO MORE BUYING or bringing home fabric.  And I haven’t.  Saturday, tomorrow, will be one week since I made this decision and I intend to keep it.  And, no I do not have my fingers crossed behind my back.  

I have now released from 3 bins, the fabric that was sitting there.  One I used up what was in the box and the others were given away.  Oh what a good feeling that is.  And yet, I still have stacks of projects to work on but that is okay.  Those are ones that I really want to do.  It has taken about 3-4 months since my surgery where I have really wanted to sew and I am!! V

A very happy Donna in California!


I have 4, at least, projects all set up on my table, embroidery machine set up and quilting My Town.  Yes, I’m still working on it, but it is my refuge when I just want to relax as playing with applique iron ons is just plain FUN!  

My little Janome is set up to sew on borders for a Round Robin top to go in the mail next week, hopefully.  I’m having trouble deciding what borders and fabric I want to use, very indecisive!

I also have my Bird In A Nest (stay at home round robin) that I am hostessing, set out and deciding fabrics what I want to use as the first border.  Two 1 yard quilts and material in bags that I need to work on for the guild.  And finish making 6 blocks for Secret Sister for the year.  And that is all I will admit to at the moment, though there are probably a couple of others sitting there.

I have been trying to sew a little each day, but I am feeling a little overwhelmed.  Not from the projects, but the hot early weather, and my legs and right hip have been bothering me somewhat, again the weather.  

I have my massage this morning, maybe that will invigorate me and make me want to get in there and finish something!


This is in no way a complete list. Please note that we can always use a hostess to help facilitate a swap, but you have to contact me first at luv2cutfab@gmail.com. Please scroll the way down for more information.

NON SEWN SWAPS: *CHARMS: Size: 5 inch square *LAYER CAKES: Size: 10 inch square

SECRET SISTER: This is a one-on-one swap, but you will not have the person who draws your name. Rules to be determined at time of swap and same guidelines apply as above.

ROUND ROBIN: A fun way to get a quilt top made by sending it to fellow quilters.

ANYTHING GOES BOX:  Pass along your gently used items to others.

SECRET SANTA:  A one-time swap between two people to exchange gifts.

ONE TIME BLOCK SWAP:  To be decided by the group, size, type and theme.

CHARITY QUILTS:  A selection of different blocks to choose from and then donated as a quilt to the charity of your choice.

ONE ON ONE SWAP: Make a block and swap with your partner.

BLOCK SWAP:  To be decided by the group, possibly 2-3 times a year.  You make a block for each player.

RETREAT BLOCK: Join in on the fun and win the lottery!

SIMPLE SALLY:  Make a project, like a stocking or pincushion and exchange with friends.

SQUIRRELS: Watch out for challenges to be announced such as new ideas, tips or projects.

CHALLENGES: There may be a new quilt coming, watch for more info.

PATTERN SWAP:  Do you have too many patterns?  Share them with friends.

MODERATORS: ALL SWAPS MUST BE APPROVED BY ME FIRST.  All swaps, challenges, etc., will have a FB messenger group assigned. 

If you are interested in hostessing one of these you will need to be a moderator; please contact me at luv2cutfab@gmail.com and we can work it out together.

We are always looking for new swap ideas and people to help hostess. Please keep in mind that unless it is a Secret Sister Swap, all swaps are decentralized. That means signing up and then sending the list on to everyone. Please send your ideas to me and we can work it out together.

Now at FaceBook

Hello Everyone



It seems that everyone is migrating to FaceBook lately so I thought it would be a good idea to add our group here.  We will still have our group on Yahoo and our blog, but I feel that we need to reach out to our members so that we can continue to share our love of quilting and friendship together.  This will not be taking the place of our group, just adding to it.


If you have friends that you would like to invite, please do so.  Thank you for dropping by.

Here is the link to the group: