Sewing with Grandma, 2018

These pictures came up on my memories this morning and I thought I would share them with you. Annalee, Sam and I all in the studio. What a blast from the past!

We celebrated Sam’s 16th birthday today at Texas Roadhouse and as a reward he got to sit in the saddle!  We had a yummy lunch of ribs and the fixins and he had a bowl of ice cream afterwards! What a wonderful day!


These are just some pictures from April 20 to April 25, when Candis, myself, and the Pok Pak went to Pismo for a few days of sun and fun. We had a wonderful time playing games, walking down to the beach, eating and just catching up with each other.

These last few pictures are inspiration for ideas that I saw while we went on long walks on the beach. Of, and of course what I bought.

Annalee and her Valentine Tote

DGD (age 10) came over all last week and on Thursday she decided she wanted to make a tote for herself.  So, we played with some patterns and ideas and on Friday she came over and we looked at fabric.  I had some fun fabric that I thought she would love, scales that iridescent and really pretty.  NO!  She wanted something with Valentines on it, so we pulled out my shoebox bin and looked at fabric.

Seriously, I love my DGD, but she is very stubborn.  Wonder who she gets that from?  🙄😇  I showed her the whole overstuffed charms box and we went through it together.  She decided that she wanted mainly light colors with not much contrast, but we finally decided on a nice layout with a few darker colors.  Tomorrow is President’s Day, so  no school and she will be coming over to decide on how to lay out the blocks and hopefully finish it before Tuesday.

I had PT yesterday and only 2 more visits to go.  I am at 0-120 degrees and am now working on my balance.  I have not sewn as I have been working on getting my blog and a few other computer issues taken care of first.

Today, I have finally gotten my blog together the way I want it after changing themes about 3 or 4 times and I am finally happy with it.  This afternoon, while watching a movie, I went through 3 good sized bins and separated all of my orphan blocks and spare parts from other pieces of fabric and they are all nice and neatly put away where I can find them easily. 

Tonight I plan to do some more sorting so I can clear my table off.  Oh, I do have a top that needs to be sandwiched and readied for the quilter soon.  

And here she is with her new Valentine tote!!

Rain, rain, go away!

Or hello, boredom, my old friend….. 
Lake Fresno/Clovis is expanding and our weeds, um, I mean lawn is greener than ever before.  Kathy’s chickens are still clucking, rabbit is still hip hopping around and JoJo is hiding in his dog house.  Missy insists on sleeping on my chest, not my lap, while I try to sew, and Doug is taking great care of me.  I’m still kicking, literally, as I do my exercises and gaining strength whilst riding my bike, and stretching as hard as I can to get my leg straight.  OUCH!!  Enough already!  30 reps at 3 times a day equals about 2 hours of movement each day.  Can’t hardly believe that tomorrow will be 4 weeks since this assault on my leg, and yes, it was a brutal assault.  Liken it to a shark bite, it takes that long to heal, about 4-6 months.  But I am strong, resilient, stubborn and I will do what I have to do to overcome this and with very little complaint!
The grands are back in school, though I think they would rather be at home still, especially with the weather.  Kat and An are diligently working like the crazies that they are, and making sure that ole Ma and Pa are okay.  Amazon delivery drivers have become our closest friends lately as we have bought more than our share, and probably yours, over the past few months, and we eagerly await the tone that the Ring sets off as they come close to the door, God Bless Ye Merry Gentlemen.  Kinda ironic, huh?  The packages have been opened and put away and/or used.
I am finally feeling up to sewing but then when I look at my list, I feel like a deer stuck in the headlights, paralyzed by the mass of fabric and patterns upon my table, not sure where to begin.  I guess I should start at the top of the pile and work my way down.  Or should I burrow in like a rabbit and just randomly grab at something and try to make a finish?  One way sounds about as good as the other.  Or….. there is a third option.  Hide on my computer, play games and ignore it all.  Kinda toss up on some days, but that’s okay.  It can wait…..  As can I, as I do another round of exercise to avoid it.
Now, that I have trotted out my options, I think it is time for a cup of hot tea.  Shall I pour you a cup?
Good Morning Everyone!
I want to thank everyone for your patience. prayers, and friendship with me as I am recovering from knee surgery. I also want to thank the many others who have gone through this before and your advice and support!
I did have my massage yesterday and that really helped with the swelling, but now my knee is awake and screaming at me. So after I do morning exercises and then icing it, I hope to get some sewing in. Maybe….
My range of motion is improving, I am at -0-114 with flexion and no longer using the walker, just my cane outside. PT thinks I should be at 120 plus soon, and possibly able to do pool exercises after I see my surgeon in February. I am able to do all the exercises as painful as they are, and am walking more every day and able to do regular activities.
I have really wanted to sew but have not had the energy or strength to do any yet. I mistakenly thought that a week or 2 ago I was going to go in there and get it done. Boy, was I ever wrong! I am just now 5 weeks postoperative and am now starting to regain my strength. But it has not kept me from going in my studio and playing with designs, fabric and patterns! Because of this, our 2 quilt-alongs on our blog have been stalled, and my apologies for that happening. No promises on the date yet but I am doing the best that I can on trying to catch up.
I am at 6 weeks po, and I survived yet another PT session! 🙃 I am at 115 degrees with manipulation and am now free to go to the gym and continue with my exercises there along with PT for a few more weeks and I’m okay with that. I can almost feel that elusive 120 degrees, so close! I can’t use the pool yet as my Diva scab just won’t fall off yet but it’s getting closer to falling off. It has a tiny little hook at the end that catches on my clothes. No cane except for uneven surfaces. Still need to work on my balance.
I see my doctor next week and hopefully by then that scar/scab will be gone! No cane except for uneven surfaces just to be on the safe side. I had my x-rays this morning and the left is aligned, straight and ready to go. My right has about 50% osteoarthritis, so I am going to ask Dr. Gaur if I should have surgery sooner or later.
Now, I am going to treat myself to a coffee, relax and work on my sewing!
February 2, 2023
Hi! I had my post-op appt this morning with Dr. Gaur. It turns out that I don’t need to have surgery on my right knee as it is in fairly good condition and he thinks that I shouldn’t need surgery for several years, possibly! WOOHOO! I was worried about it as I really didn’t want to go through that pain again for a long time! We agreed that I need to lose some more weight and he feels that will help with my right knee, and honestly I have very little pain.
He says that my left knee is looking pretty good and suggested more exercises to get it flat and said that I am doing very well with my recovery!  My rom is still at 115 with manipulation and I still have mild swelling but I should be at 120 fairly soon. My little scar finally fell off but then it formed another scar so in 2-3 weeks I should be back in the pool and I am free to go to the gym. He wants me to use the cane for a while longer for balance especially on uneven ground. He reminded me that my body is still adjusting to the new knee and that it will take time for it to get used to each other, which can take about a year or so. All in all, a very good and positive appointment! 🥰🙃
I have 4 more appts with PT and then I will be released to do home therapy!


Hello everyone!

I know I haven’t been online very much lately but it has been very busy here. As some of you know I need a total left knee replacement and was thinking it would be around January or February before it happened. I have been working hard to lose some weight before and I did! I lost a total of 72 pounds since last year and am now close to below 200 pounds. That was one requirement for surgery and I did it!!!

Anyway, Tuesday morning while going through my emails, I got a call from the surgery scheduler at Kaiser. I already was on the list of those to be called and way down on that list. I had called a couple of times before to see if there was a cancellation and if I could be on that list. Well, that paid off! Dr. Gaur (my surgeon) said that there was a 3 month waiting list and I was on there for only 2 months. She remembered that I wanted to do it and called to see if I would like to have my surgery this coming Tuesday, December 13! I called my hubby, he said go for it, and I called her back and I am scheduled for then. I have only had less than 7 days to prepare and I have been hopping ever since!

I had my preop appt with the doctor, she went over everything including my history, meds, allergies, etc. I then had an echocardiogram and labs and everything is perfectly within normal limits. This morning I had my covid test and that was negative and no fever or symptoms. I have to check with her every day until Saturday to give her a temp report and after that, I am assuming and hoping that it is set! Oh, so many hoops to jump through!

I am now waiting to hear back from Continuing Care for home care and a visit from them and I believe, that will happen after the clearance from my preop doctor. Also, cleaning the house, moving stuff around for the walker, meal prep, meds and therapy.

That’s enough for now but I will keep you posted. From a tired but very happy and excited Donna!

No Longer On Hold

I WILL BE PUTTING THINGS ON HOLD for a while. I just got a call from the surgery scheduler and they have a cancellation for December 13, one week from now. Very excited about having surgery and I am ready for it, but was flummoxed when she called this morning! I wasn’t expecting it until at least January or February, but now I have 6 days to prepare for total left knee replacement. It will probably take me a month or so to recover to the point of doing much, even sewing. I hope you will understand. And for this reason, Oh, My Stars! the final layout and sashing is going to be put on hold until after January 1, 2023.

I will continue to coordinate swaps with my moderators, Karen and Cheryl’s help, and hope to get those posted soon and ready to start next year.

I will be online up until my surgery date, though maybe sporadically, afterwards. I can’t go more than a day or even less without checking in with you as this group is my anchor. Thank you for understanding and I will check back with more info tomorrow. Have appts this afternoon and the rest of this week. 😀

Thank you!

Please wait, sewing is on hold for a while.  I thought I would have 4 more finishes before the end of the year but they will probably be done in early January….. maybe.  But I do have a couple of wool felt projects that I might be able to handle.  I was really hoping to get more sewing done beforehand, but just not going to happen and that’s okay.  I have to concentrate on me now.  But just because I may not be able to sew doesn’t mean I can’t look, drool and plan for next  year.  I have a huge stack of magazines and books filled with eye candy.  I am looking forward to perusing our albums and other websites!

Tomorrow is the last day before the Big Day and I’m so ready for it!  Thank you in advance for your prayers, good thoughts and friendship! 


I cannot believe that it will be 14 days on Tuesday postop.  No flings for me yet, but on Tuesday I may be able to fling this old bandage and my walker for my cane instead!  I’m doing a lot better with walking around the house and am able to do a few things for myself.  I’m starting to meet my goals of flexion and still have PT 1-2 times a week.  This is what I truly want for Christmas, just being able to move around without pain. 

I will post more later!

Today was a good day as I saw my PA this morning and he has set me free to start working with my cane instead of my walker and my ROM is good!  Bandages came off and now I can shower like a normal person again!  Woohoo!  

Anyway, I am planning to sew the binding on a small quilt either tonight or tomorrow.  And maybe pin another binding on.  Who knows what I can do now!  

Time to do my exercises. 

Happy New Year!!

May this new year be full of friendship, laughter, love and lots of stitching!!
Sew, what do you have under your machines this morning? Lots of fun simple projects, or that one big quilt that you have been meaning to do for the past year or two, or three?
Me, I have lots of ideas, especially about going in, sitting down and finishing the binding on 4 quilts that I got back just before Christmas. Then, reality hits and my body says “Are you crazy?” and it wins out. But not today! I am going into my studio and I am going to at least clean off of the table and see what is under there. I am finally feeling a little stronger and the swelling has gone down somewhat. One baby step at a time. If you don’t hear from me later today, that means that I either won and did a little sewing or I did too much and had to stop. But I am an optimist and will at least try! Please don’t look at this as a fool’s folly but a trial. This is a chance for me to see what I can do and push the envelope a little further each day.
And just for reading this far, here is a fun pattern:

Crazy Week!

What a week this has been! Since our son-in-law started his new job in IT, the Coppin taxi service has been in full swing! Our grandkids are in different grades, high school and elementary and of course, go to separate schools at different times, one at 8 the other at 9 am and also get picked up at different times, 230 and 4. But, I am getting quality time with Annalee in the afternoons and we’re having a good time together playing cards!

I was supposed to have an appt with Dr. Gaur, my ortho surgeon on Friday, but the office called on Wednesday and asked if I could reschedule it for another day as he wouldn’t be in on Friday. I said okay and she suggested Oct 29 and I said no, I am having pain in both knees and trouble standing for very long (true) so she said how about Thursday the 6th at 3:30 and I jumped at that!

Well, knowing that he runs late, usually, we (Doug and I) figured it would be around 5 or later before we got out. Dr. Gaur normally spends an hour with each patient, is very thorough, friendly and goes into detail, we were surprised, pleasantly, that we were in and out before my appt time! He was happy to see that I had lost 57 pounds this year and asked that I try and lose another 20-30 pounds before surgery. Two reasons, they are booked solid until middle of December and he wants me to be below 200 before the surgery for optimal success. I am at 219 and I know that in 3 months with a lot of hard work and diet, that I can get down to at least 190 by that time. I am very stubborn that way when I want something bad enough and this is very important to me.

I am continuing to go to the gym and plan to step it up more with water aerobics and weights plus using the bike at home. This is a major surgery and that means that I will be having a nurse and physical therapist coming to my home for a while and I will not be able to drive for close to a month or longer, depends on how the surgery goes and how well I do before and during surgery. I will be hearing from the surgery nurse soon and she will give me more info then and a lot of paperwork and a lot of cleaning and prep. I am still reading through the pamphlets and reading articles and figuring out all of this.

Oh, I almost forgot! He sent me a list of medications that I “need” to take. I looked at the list and there were at least 3 that I cannot use due to allergies and/or intolerances, like oxycontin, Motrin, and one I cannot recall at the moment. I sent him an email letting him know and if we could revise the list. He said that we could do that before surgery and that we had time. He had originally (on the paper) said that I needed to get these now and I was wondering why I needed them this soon. Oh well, all taken care of.

This is all that I know for certain at the moment and will keep everyone in the loop as I go along. I am thinking it could be as soon as next week or later before I hear from the nurse about the date of surgery. They do this early so as to make sure about all my meds, what I can stay on or stop before surgery and sometimes you have to go off of them for a few weeks. Depends on the date of surgery. Until I hear from the nurse, I am going to concentrate on exercising and diet and losing as much as I can before surgery!

Now, I am going to go hide in my studio and sew all day long after I ride the bike. Next week is going to be busy also, MRI on Wed, class on Thursday guild meeting the same night, and who knows what else may arise! Then, quilting retreat away from home in town for 3 glorious days the following week!!

Chat more later.

Sometime in the future….

Funny, I was  just thinking recently that in 15 years I will be 80 years old!   YIKES! Of course, that’s if I make it to that age.  And I have been pondering what can I accomplish in 15 years if I set that as a goal to use up my stash and finish all my UFOs?  And there I am, stuck!  It’s somewhat overwhelming!  So, I have decided to go ahead and sort my larger bins full of scraps, about 6 of them, and organize them by size and color.   At least 3 of them are 2.5 inch strips, full and partially cut.  But then, I think I need to finish what I have going on first.  I believe I am at 34 UFOs in various stages and I really want to get them finished.  I am down from 63 from the beginning of this year, some were given away, actually finished or dismantled and put back in with the scraps.  And I have 3 coming back next week from the quilter.  So, I will do a combo of each day, a little sorting and a little sewing, at least for now.  And I will continue to donate scraps and yardage to the guild.  Oh, and that does not include projects that people leave for me to finish or those wayward UFOs that keep showing up at the Home for Wayward Fabric.  I guess this is the long way of saying NO to new projects online or otherwise until I have nothing else to make.  yeah, right.  
