MAY 27, 2023

Is your stash starting to expand and invading other areas than your sewing studio? Are your muffin bins topped and about to explode at any minute? Do you feel overwhelmed? Not sure how to use it or what to do with it, and almost to the point of giving it away? I feel that way too, at times!  Not to worry! I believe I have a cure for this common ailment. Let’s bust our scraps, especially those little pieces that seem to multiply when your back is turned.

Each Thursday I will find some patterns that will deal with the little pieces and even some of the larger and odd pieces that we all tend to accumulate.

I have 3 or 4 bins that are full of scraps, some fairly good sized, others that are mostly strips, and then there are those little pieces, crumbs.  Some may be as small as 1 inch squared.  We’ve been talking a lot about those crumbs, so how about a few more ideas on how to use them up.  Not necessarily as blocks but in applique or decorative pieces. Join me for a stroll down Crumb Lane!

Our first one is just a short one on how to do a diagonal strip on a crumb block.

1.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SUT26KcZ0Zs

The second one is making a scrappy crumb Star!  It is so pretty and fun!  This is an example of really putting those crumbs to work!

2.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1NQ9kuo2W8&t=252s

Our final one is from Pat Sloan and is called Do you want to know how to make the Easiest Quilt Crumb blocks?  Of course, we do!  Sew, let’s watch:

3.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EVAKvlhtBs

Have fun sewing and I will see you next week!

Please click the links above to watch the videos!

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